What is the ‘Getting to Know Me’ document?
This document has been developed by Alzheimer Scotland's network of Dementia Nurse Consultants and the Scottish Government. It aims to give hospital staff a better understanding of patients with dementia who are admitted either for planned treatment, such as an operation, or in an emergency.
The document should be filled in by the person with dementia as much as possible, or by a carer or relative, with the help of hospital staff if necessary. It is then held with the person's notes so it is readily accessible to all staff working with that individual.
It asks for brief information about the person; their likes and dislikes, their background, what they like to be called, the important people or places in the person's life, what helps them relax, how they take their medication, their normal routines, if they wear glasses or a hearing aid, what they like to do for themselves and what they need help with. There is also space for the carer to add in relevant information they think the staff should know to help them provide the best care possible and to understand any behavioural issues the person might have.
Filling in the Getting to Know Me form
You can either download and print off the document to complete by hand or fill it in online using the editable version of the form.
Note that the editable boxes have a size limit so that you do not supply more information than staff are likely to read and digest. If there is anything you feel is vital to know which is not covered by the form, you should bring it to the attention of ward staff so that it can be added to the person's notes. Save the form to your computer so the information you type in is not lost.